Get Serious About Fitness With These Expert Tips

by fit4life on June 24, 2012


Record everything you do daily. Include everything you eat, drink and do. If you think it will help, record the day’s weather. You will see what you need to improve on. If you choose not to exercise for the day, explain your reasons in your journal.

One of the most overlooked activities in fitness programs is stretching. You can help all of the muscles in your body truly circulate when you stretch before and after each of your workouts. Besides that, muscle tightness is uncomfortable. Stretch for ten minutes to cool down after any workout.

Begin with smaller weights when you are in the initial stages of your workout. This can help create a balance with your muscles and prevent injury since smaller muscles fatigue before larger ones do. The progression should be gradual, from lighter to heavier until you are achieving the desired results.

Counting Downwards

Count down instead of up. Rather than counting upwards when tallying repetitions, count backwards from the intended total. Working toward the smaller number will give your workout a feel that is quicker and easier. When you only have a certain number left, it is more motivating.

When you are attempting to reach your fitness goals, it can be very helpful to give your trainer his or her payment prior to the start of the workout. By doing this you are much more likely to continue with your workouts than if you simply paid your trainer after every workout session. After all, you won’t want to see your good money go to waste. You definitely will not want to lose out on all that money, so most likely you will show up at the training sessions.


It’s impossible to guarantee that a fitness routine will be enjoyable or easy, but preparing appropriately with a good attitude and a little self-education definitely improves the odds. Getting in shape doesn’t have to be done all on your own. So do everything in your power to get the body that you truly want.

Check out additonal fitness tips and recipies! Good luck with your fitness goals!

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